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What are the symptoms of low testosterone?

Written by Benjamin Lee - Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Consultant - March 03, 2023

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Low testosterone, also known as hypogonadism, is a condition in which the body does not produce enough of the hormone testosterone. Testosterone is an essential hormone for male physical and sexual development. It plays a role in reproductive health, metabolism, tissue growth and repair, and maintaining muscle mass. While the exact causes of low testosterone vary from person to person, the symptoms are generally similar:

  • Decreased libido
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Loss of muscle mass
  • Decreased strength and/or endurance
  • Fatigue or lack of energy
  • Low or reduced sperm count or infertility
  • Increased breast size or gynecomastia
  • Hot flashes/sweating episodes
  • Depression/mood swings/acne/loss of body hair

Low testosterone levels can have serious consequences on your physical and emotional wellbeing. If left untreated, it can lead to increased risk of obesity, osteoporosis, heart disease, diabetes and depression. There are treatments available to help alleviate the symptoms associated with this disorder. BHRT Pro Center provides treatments tailored to suit individual needs. Our specialists use evidence-based hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) and other lifestyle interventions to improve quality of life for those living with low testosterone levels.

Causes of Low Testosterone

The most common cause for low testosterone is aging; nearly all men will experience some decrease in their production over time as they age. However, there are other potential causes that may influence testosterone levels such as alcohol abuse, certain types of chronic illnesses like AIDS or cancer, genetic abnormalities such as Klinefelter syndrome or Kallmann syndrome, medications like steroids or opioid painkillers and even stress from a traumatic event can cause temporary drops in T levels. In some cases no specific cause can be identified due to either unknown factors or a combination of multiple risk factors being present at once.

Diagnosis and Treatment Options

It is essential to get tested if you believe you are exhibiting any signs of low T levels; diagnosis should always done by your doctor because some symptoms could be signs something else entirely unrelated to this condition which must be ruled out first before any potential treatment plan is recommended.

Once diagnosis has been made there are several options available for treating hypogonadism depending on severity but usually involve a combination of lifestyle adjustments (dietary changes etc) as well as a form HRT whether that be through injections, pills or topical creams/gels applied directly to skin; again it varies according to each individual's case but they all contribute towards helping restore normal bodily functions impacted due to deficiency in this hormone.

BHRT Pro Center specializes in restoring balance back into lives through customized Hormone Replacement Therapy plans based on each patient’s medical history and current state; we strive towards offering better quality outcomes at cost effective prices so all individuals regardless off socio-economic backgrounds have access modern healthcare solutions when dealing with adrenal insufficiencies like hypogonadism which need attention immediately otherwise they may become worse over time leading more severe affects later down road such risks associated with prolong periods untreated include but not limited too higher risks cardiovascular diseases decreased bone density among others .

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